3rd Session: Timeline

3rd Session: Timeline


I remember this big trend about how all the YouTubers were making videos of “draw my life” where they shared life stories using drawings and stick figures of their life. They shared their happy memories, sad or upsetting memories that they recalled, and the ones that particularly stand out. So, I ask the children to draw their life. They don’t have to draw, they can write and share with their provider. Some of the topics that might help them get started.

  1. It starts from birth and leads up to the present.
  2. Think about any moves to new places.
  3. Any relationships with others (romantic relationships, crushes, teachers, role models, friendships, families, extended family members, or any special person you came in contact with).
  4. Important life-changing events, happy memories, sad memories, loss, trauma, abuse, bullying, etc.
  5. How do you see yourself in the future (a week from now, month from now, or years from now).